High-Yield Topics for Radiology : To help make your NEET PG preparations more fruitful, Career Media has come up with a list of high-yield topics for Radiology
Type of Questions asked in NEET PG ?
Based on the latest exam pattern, the following are the primary types of questions that you can expect in the upcoming exam:
1. Single best answer
- Case-based
- Fact-based
- Concept-based
- Numerical/Value-based
2. Image-based questions
3. True or false type questions

High-Yield Topics for Radiology
- Stroke
- Pneumothorax / Pleural effusion
- Pulmonary embolism
- Aortic emergencies
- Acute abdomen approach
- Pediatric GI emergencies
- Perforation
- Intestinal obstruction
- Head
- GU/Urethra
- Abdomen
Identification of Modalities
- Contrast studies
- MRI Sequences
Named X-Ray Views-PNS
- Caldwell vs. Waters/Modified Waters/ Piere’s View
PNS Anatomy, Pathologies
- ENT Radiology with respect to PNS
- CT PNS Anatomy
- Angiofibroma, Inverted Papilloma, Invasive sinusitis
Renal Masses
- Identifying cyst on CT Scan
- Bosniak classification of cyst
- Angiomiolipoma
Hepatobiliary System
- Approach to obstructive jaundice
- Bile leaks
- Choledochal cyst
DSA Images-Brain
- Moya Moya
- Aneurysm
Skull & Spine Radiographs
- A pattern approach to skull radiograph
- Ankylosing spondylitis
Barium Images
- Pattern-based approach to barium images
- Barium swallow – colagia, carcinoma esophagus
- TB vs. Crohn’s disease
- Ulcerative colitis
- Diverticulosis
Metabolic Bone Diseases
- Rickets
- Scurvy
- Osteoporosis
- Hyperparathyroidism
OBS USG – Anomalies, Early Pregnancy
- Anencephaly
- Omphalocele
- Gastroschisis
- Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
- Early pregnancy ultrasound
Gyne- Ovarian Lesions
- Theca lutein cyst
- Benign vs malignant ovarian lesion
Radiological Anatomy
- Brain-Basal Ganglia
- Thorax-major vessels
- Abdomen-liver
Other Important Topics
- Signs of IVP and HSG Images
- IVP, HSG Images -Pattern
- Bone Tumors
- Chest Infections
- Congenital Heart Diseases
- Thumb Rules – IOC / Initial / Gold Standard
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