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NEET PG 2024: High-Yield Topics for Microbiology

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High-Yield Topics for Microbiology

High-Yield Topics for Microbiology : To help make your NEET PG preparations more fruitful, Career Media has come up with a list of high-yield topics for Microbiology

Type of Questions asked in NEET PG ?

Based on the latest exam pattern, the following are the primary types of questions that you can expect in the upcoming exam:

1. Single best answer

  • Case-based
  • Fact-based 
  • Concept-based
  • Numerical/Value-based

2. Image-based questions

3. True or false type questions

High-Yield Topics For NEET PG in Microbiology


• Strep/Staph Classification

• Staph Toxins

• Legionella: Case scenario

• Typhoid toxins

• E.coli, Salmonella , Cholera, Pseudomonas : Lab tests, toxins

• Clostridium: Toxins

• Tuberculosis: Lab Ix most important

• Rickettsia, Syphilis, Leprosy

• Leptospira,Brucella: Case based Qs


• Malaria: Image based Qs, stages

• Amoebiasis, Giardiasis, Nematodes/Trematodes Transmission And Host

• Toxoplasmosis

• Cysticercosis-Esp. NCC stages

• Haemoflagellates

• Coccidian Parasites

• Cestodes


• Classification of viruses

• Influenza: ShiG vs DriG

• Hepatitis: Types, Hep B serology tests most important

• HIV: Opportunistic, AIDS-deterministic infections, Mx

• Herpes Group : Types and infections

• General Virology

• Recent updates in Virology


• Classification Of Fungi

• Dermatophytes

• Endemic Mycoses

• Cryptococcus

• Madura Mycosis: Case based, Radiology

• Candida , occupational fungal diseases

Immunity (To be done with Pathology):

• Immunoglobins

• Immunodeficiency Disorders

• Antigen , Antigen antibody reactions

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