High-Yield Topics for ENT : To help make your NEET PG preparations more fruitful, Career Media has come up with a list of high-yield topics for ENT
Type of Questions asked in NEET PG ?
Based on the latest exam pattern, the following are the primary types of questions that you can expect in the upcoming exam:
1. Single best answer
- Case-based
- Fact-based
- Concept-based
- Numerical/Value-based
2. Image-based questions
3. True or false type questions

High-Yield Topics For NEET PG in ENT
1. Embryology of Ear
2. Anatomy of Middle Ear (especially posterior wall)
3. Pure tone Audiometry Interpretation
4. BERA/ OAE interpretation and uses
5. Malignant Otitis Externa
6. Complications of CSOM
7. Otosclerosis
8. Meniere’s Disease
9. Vestibular Schwannoma
10. Hearing devices/ Implants such as Cochlear Implant, Auditory Brainstem Implant, BAHA
11. Noise Induced Hearing Loss
12. Ototoxicity
1. Blood supply of Nasal Septum
2. Allergic fungal Rhinosinusitis
3. Ca Maxilla
4. CSF Rhinorrhea
s. Nasal Polyps
6. CT Scan of Nose and PNS
1. Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma
2. Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
3. Membranous Tonsillitis
4. Tonsillectomy
1. Muscles of Larynx
2. Spaces in Larynx: Pre-epiglottic space, proglottic space, Reinke’s space
3. Vocal Folds Palsy
4. Juvenile onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
5. Carcinoma Larynx
6. Tracheostomy and Cricothyrotomy
High-Yield Topics for ENT