MD/MS vs DNB ?
This is the question that haunts most of the Indian medical graduates after MBBS. Whether to do DNB or MD/MS.
Well, let me go straight ahead and tell you it doesn’t matter. Whether you do MD/MS or DNB, it is always more important and the place from where you are doing it. First of all, you need to know which stream you want to take. Once you have decided that then the question comes: MD/DNB or MS/DNB? Well, then comes the background check. You need to find out the best institutes for your specialization. These institutes may offer MD/MS or DNB.
1)Most good DNB institutions have an academic curriculum and presentations.
2)They have a structured schedule and the Annual Formative Assessment Test by NBE.
3) The consultants working in these hospitals are generally updated with their knowledge and latest surgeries.
The students of DNB Surgical Specialties always complain that the surgical hands are very few and difficult to pass. Well, to some extent this is also true. I think the reasons for this would be the following:
1)DNB practical exams are conducted at a neutral venue, with all four examinees being outsiders and none from your parent DNB institution.
2)DNB exam is quite fair and well prepared candidates can perform well.
3)Most of the DNB institutes are private hospitals which do not have government funds. Consultants are responsible for and accountable to their patients. Also if one does the dedicated work and impresses the consultant, there is no dearth of surgical hands.
4)There are also options for Senior Resident Ship which can be done after completing DNB.
Advantages of DNB over MD/MS
- Easy Entry: This is the most common reason for a student to choose DNB. Most of the top rankers in NEET PG entrance exam will opt for MD/MS. So, admission in the same stream in DNB will be a little easier as compared to MD/MS course.
- Affordable: Only annual fixed fee is to be paid by the students. This is a very small amount as compared to the fees charged by private medical colleges and universities.
- Management as per guidelines: Case management in many large private hospitals is at par with international standards.
- Recognition abroad: Some countries have started recognising DNB from India more than MD/MS course. So, if you are aiming to work abroad, go for the DNB degree program.
- Some of the latest procedures: Surgical techniques, medical advances, costly investigations more commonly done in private hospitals.
Disadvantages of DNB over MD/MS
- Low pass rate: The final exam is considered tough and the passing rate is generally between 15% to 20%.
- Less Surgical Exposure: In some hospitals and institutions, DNB residents are not given adequate exposure and independence while working. Especially in the surgical branches.
- Problems in private practice: There is less recognition among the general public regarding the DNB degree. So, if a doctor starts his own private clinic, he may soon face some difficulty. However, this is changing very rapidly.
- Teaching job in medical college: Some medical colleges and universities demand work experience from DNB degree holders to start teaching whereas there is no such condition for MD/MS holders.

MD/MS vs DNB ? MD/MS vs DNB ? MD/MS vs DNB ? MD/MS vs DNB ? MD/MS vs DNB ?